Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Watch My Tongue

Psalm 39:1 I said, "I will keep watch upon my ways,*

so that I do not offend with my tongue."

Life would certainly be much simpler if I paid closer attention to my tongue. I am capable of sticking my foot in my mouth with the best of them. I am learning gradually to keep holy silence. There is a time to speak up and a time to keep quiet, may the Lord help me know the difference. I pray that my words may only speak love.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Change the Plan, Trust in God

To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul;

my God, I put my trust in you; * (Psalm 25:1a)

One of the factors that complicates my life is my lack of trust in people, and for that matter, myself. What I mean by this is that when I am counting on someone to follow through in some way, and it doesn't happen, it complicates my life. For example, a repair person says that she will be coming on a certain day and I must be home while that person is working. Then, the person doesn't show up. Of course, I have done and do the same thing to others, never intentionally, but it still happens.

I've learned to "go with the flow." If plans change unexpectedly, make the best of it. Plan for the plan to change. I forgive the untrustworthy person, just as I want to be forgiven for the times of my untrustworthiness.

The simple fact is that only God is trustworthy. I put my trust in God's word. Anything else is not worth the time and effort to fret about it. God is in charge, for that I am thankful.